Friday, December 18, 2009

Pinball Ride upcoming update announcement

First of all, we'd like to thank everyone that bought the Unlimited version of the game. Thanks a lot, this is real motivation for improving Pinball Ride.

We know we can make the game easier to pick up for beginners and more challenging and varied for advanced players.

We have new features planned for an upcoming 1.1 update :
  • A new game icon, clearer and more engaging.
  • Improved frame rate stability.
  • Improved pinball table layout.
  • New challenges.
  • New achievements.
  • Improved UI response.

First here is a preview of the future game icon :

We are doing changes on the table layout and on modes unlocking rules. We noticed that the left part of the table could be more interesting, so we are changing the left ramp and adding a stationary target above the ramp entrance. Also, we've seen that a lot of players were missing the multiball modes (multiball and super multiball), so we'll make them easier to trigger. We are iterating on theses changes to be sure it makes the table more fun, and keeps the scoring system balanced.

On the online aspect, we are also improving Facebook score publishing, to let you publish your latest high score on demand. If your new high score was made during an offline play, you will be able to publish it when back online. We're also adding illustrated score medals to represent your high score and to get the most of recent Facebook API changes. Here is a sample of the illustration :

We hope you like it :D

We'll share more information as we make progress on the new features.

We wish you a great holiday season, see you in 2010.
Thanks for playing, and don't hesitate to leave a comment.

The Pinball Ride Team.